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alpha kappa alpha sorority, inc. 

Mission: Alpha Kappa Alpha’s mission is to cultivate and encourage

high scholastic and ethical standards, to promote unity and friendship

among college women, to study and help alleviate problems

concerning girls and women in order to improve their social stature,

to maintain a progressive interest in college life, and to be of

“Service to All Mankind".

President: Brianna Lafalaise

Email Address: 


alpha phi alpha fraternity, inc.

Mission: Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. develops leaders, promotes

brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and

advocacy for our communities. 

President: Zack Alexis

Email Address:


african student association (Asa)

Mission: Fosters a fraternal relationship along with a better

understanding among fellow Africans, and protects the

African image in the American society through social and

cultural activities.

President: Sybil Owusu-Bempah

Email Address:


black male leadership symposium (bmls)

Mission: The Black Male Leadership Symposium aspires to produce unity

and stability among black males, especially in the Smeal College of

Business while making an effort to retain and recruit as many of these

men it can reach. Our plan is to develop the leadership

qualities of the young black males involved.

President: Daniel Liberis

Email Address:




Caribbean student association (CSA)

Mission: Promotes the active dissemination of cultural, political,

and historical information about the Caribbean islands and people

and maintains contact with Caribbean embassies in the United States.

President: Olivia Jack

Email Address:



delta sigma theta sorority, inc.

Mission: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated is an

organization of college educated women committed to

the constructive development of its members and to

public service with a primary focus on the Black community.

President: Leila Filien

Email Address:


kappa alpha psi fraternity, inc.

Mission: The Objectives of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc are: 

1. To unite college men of culture, patriotism and honor in a bond of fraternity

 2. To encourage honorable achievement in every field of human endeavor 

3. To promote the spiritual, social, intellectual, and moral welfare of members 

4. To assist the aims and purpose of colleges and universities 

5. To inspire service in the public interest.

President: Ki'ye Smith

 Email Address:



loving our curly, kinky and straight hair (LOCKS)

Mission: The mission of Loving Our Curly, Kinky, and Straight

Hair, or L.O.C.K.S. is to celebrate the essence of women's

natural beauty through education, empowerment, and

embracing the differences between each individual's hair

journeys. In addition, L.O.C.K.S. purpose is to breakthrough

the stereotypes sometimes associated with women's hair.

President: Kaitlin Gabbidon

Email Address:


minorities in agriculture, natural resources and related sciences (manrrs)

Mission: MANRRS at Penn State fosters and promotes the agricultural

sciences and related fields in a positive manner among multicultural groups.

Its members initiate and participate in activities and programs that will

ensure ethnic minority involvement in agricultural sciences and careers. 

President: Alayna Faison 

Email Address:



minorities in earth and mineral sciences (mems)

Mission: Minorities in EMS will empower the diverse community

\within the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences.

President: Khaleah Jackson

Email Address:


minorities in schreyer (mis)

Mission: MIS is an organization dedicated to the recruitment

and retainment of underrepresented students in

Schreyer Honors College of Penn State 

President: Madison Burnard 

Email Address:


minorities in sports next

Mission: Minorities in Sports Next: Penn State Chapter strives

to unite students with a passion for sports, inform them on 

industry career options, and provide other resources beneficial to

their success. We aim to provide students with access to the national

MIS network dedicated to breaking down barriers for minorities to 

pursue a career in the sports industry. In doing these things, we intend

to increase diversity on the business side of sports in order to better

reflect the minority athletes who play the game.

President: Lexie Wells 

Email Address:


Minority Association of Pre-Medical/Health Students (maps)

Mission: The Penn State Minority Association of Pre-Medical/Health Students

is a chapter affiliated with the Student National Medical Association

meant to increase the number of minority students entering/completing

health professional education.

President: Armani Moore 

Email Address:

multicultural undergraduate law association (MULA)

Mission: MULA's mission is to increase diversity in the field

of law by promoting multiculturalism; to that end, we strive

not only to help our members get into the law school of their

choice but also to help our members succeed in the law

school of their choice.

President: Jaelyn Monroe

Email Address:


multicultural women's forum (MWF)

Mission: To create a support network, enhance professional development,

and leadership skills for multicultural women in, but not limited

to, the Smeal College of Business.

President: Jessica Trotter

Email Address:



national association for the advancement of colored people (NAACP)

Mission: Insures the political, educational, social, and economic

quality of minority group citizens, achieves equality of rights, and

eliminates race prejudices, and removes all barriers of racial

discrimination through democratic processes.

President: Genesis Severino-Ellis

Email Address:


national association of black accountants (NABA)

Mission: The mission of NABA, Inc. is to address the professional needs

of its members and to build leaders that shape the future of the

accounting and finance profession with an unfaltering commitment to inspire

the same in their successors. The Association shall unite through

membership accountants, finance and business related professionals and

students who have similar interests and ideals, are committed to professional

and academic excellence, possess a sense of professional and civic

responsibility, and are concerned with enhancing opportunities for minorities

in the accounting, finance and business related professions.

President: Zeina Delgado

Email Address: 


national council of negro women (NCNW)

Mission: 1) To lead, develop, and advocate for women of African

descent by way of community-based services and programs on

issues of health, education, and economic empowerment 
2) To unite non-profit organizations of women in a council of

organizations primarily concerned with the welfare of Negro women 
3) To build cohesion between women through our shared similarities

and distinct differences and 4) To devise ways to use each others'

differences to enrich our vision and our joint struggles.

President: Amanda Bent

Email Address:


National organization for the professional advancement of black chemists and chemical engineers (Nobcche)

Mission: The mission of the National Organization for the

Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers

(NOBCChE) is to build an eminent cadre of successful diverse

global leaders in STEM and advance their professional endeavors

by adding value to their academic, development, leadership,

and philanthropic endeavors throughout the life-cycle of their careers.  

President: Dayna Patterson



national society of black engineers (Nsbe)

Mission: The mission of NSBE is to increase the number of

culturally responsible Black engineers who excel academically,

succeed professionally, and positively impact the community.

President: Chinelolum Anonyuo

Email Address:


omega psi phi fraternity, inc.

Mission: The mission of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. to bring

about union of college men of similar high ideals of scholarship and

manhood in order to stimulate the attainment of ideas and ambitions of its

members; occupy a progressive, helpful and constructive place in political life

of the community and nation; and foster the humanity, freedom and dignity

of the individual; and aid downtrodden humanity in its efforts to achieve

higher economic and intellectual status.

President: Tracy Bowers 



queer and trans people of color (qtpoc)

Mission: The purpose of Queer and Trans People of Color is

to develop an identity, promote awareness, celebrate sexual

and cultural differences, provide education and leadership,

highlight issues of social justice and create productive social

spaces for those who identify as queer people of color.

President: Celeste Good

Email Address:


student minority advisory and recruitment team

Mission: The mission of the Student Minority Advisory Recruitment Team

is to assist the Undergraduate Admissions Office with their recruitment

and retention of underrepresented students. In addition, S.M.A.R.T. will assist

the Penn State community, faculty, staff, and support services with

developing positive relationships with the diverse student body.

President: Marc Gonzalez

Email Address:


women, international, racial, ethnic and diverse intercultural network (wired in)

Mission: WIRED In is a student-ran organization bridging

diversity and technology at PSU. We foster an inclusive

environment for individuals seeking opportunities!

President: Divinefavour Ukpai'ama

Email Address: 


writers organized to represent diverse stories

Mission: The mission of Penn State Writers Organized to Represent Diverse

Stories (W.O.R.D.S.) is to create an environment that is conducive to the

sharing of personal stories and experiences, and to promote the expression

of those stories through creative writing.

President: Cassandra Nuñez 

Email Address:


zeta phi beta sorority, inc. 

Mission: To foster the ideas of service, charity, scholarship,

civil and cultural endeavors, sisterhood and finer womanhood.

These ideals are reflected in the sorority's national program for

which its members and auxiliary groups provide voluntary service

to staff, community outreach programs, fund scholarships, support

organized charities, and promote legislation for social and civic change.

President: Brieuauna White

Email Address:

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